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Posted: 08/09/2017
For info on our book Help! My Dog’s Scared of Fireworks visit the book section of this website and for events and the webinar look at the workshop and events page. If you are local to me, (I'm in Berkshire RG45), and want a private 1-2-1 session contact me at [email protected] (special offer for the firework season includes a free book and a reduced price)
For a Tellington TTouch Practitioner or event near you visit www.ttouchtteam.co.uk

Feedback from a recent workshop I taught on helping dogs cope with fireworks

Thank you Toni, Storm has gone from totally shut down when she hears fireworks to happily chilling in her bed after a week of body wraps, ground work, body work and fun games! My dogs are all nicely chilled out now, can’t believe the difference in only a week